Decision of the Divisional Court
TORONTO, ONTARIO, CANADA - August 24, 2023
The Ontario Division Court delivered its decision in the judicial review application of Dr. Jordan Peterson v College of Psychologists of Ontario. We have attached a copy of the decision below. We will provide a more detailed analysis in the near future. Suffice to say, we believe this decision moves the court further away from its role providing required oversight of administrative bodies and tribunals, into dangerous territory where administrative bodies can make any decisions in the name of professional regulation, without concern a court will conduct a proper review of that decision. The court confirmed that administrative bodies need not provide thorough reasons outlining what and how they analyzed the issues including fundamental Charter issues as the court will simply imply the administrative body conducted such analysis.
Decision can be obtained here.
AARPO’s participation in these very important matters has relied on volunteers to date. The respondent College is a well-funded quasi-governmental agency. They have the funds and time to mount a strong fight to silence Dr. Peterson, and silence all regulated professionals in Ontario. This case stands for the proposition that professional regulators cannot regulate the private lives, including opinions and beliefs, of their members/registrants. Everyone will be affected by the outcome (professionals, patients, clients, and the people of Ontario).
Any financial help would be greatly appreciated.
Donations will be used to pay court filing fees and disbursements.